The Big Day
Today we have launched the 2019/2021 Dundee Fairness Commission Final Report. It has been two years of hard work and strangeness because...

Mental Health Working Group Update
Over the last couple months the Mental Health Working Group have been exploring the following: Employability services and support for...

Survey Report Launch
After a “pause” during lockdown, the Dundee Fairness regrouped and conducted a survey focusing on people’s experiences of...

Media Coverage
"There is still a lot of work to do in the city to eradicate poverty. Our report confirmed this, with many harrowing stories. We will...
Finally taking notice?
When the last Fairness Commission ended one of the recommendations was for the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership to develop a...

Dundee Fighting For Fairness Working Hard
Dundee Fighting For Fairness have been busy over the last 6 months. We have been looking at how we should function as a group, by...

Mental Health Working Group Update
All of our working groups are flat out just now, our big event is fast approaching and everyone is pitching in to make sure the voice of...